1.About the Fund
The China-LAC Cooperation Fund (hereinafter referred to as "the Fund") is initiated by the Chinese Government with an investment of 5 billion USD by Chinese institutions.
The Fund is comprised of two parts: part one is the China Co-financing Fund for Latin America and Caribbean Region, which has an initial input of 2 billion USD by China and is executed by the IDB in financing projects in LAC region in areas including education, water conservancy and energy, etc. The Co-financing Fund is already up and running. Part two is a private equity fund (hereinafter referred to as"the PE Fund"). The PE Fund is administered by The Export-Import Bank of China (China EXIM Bank) with a commitment of 3 billion USD from Chinese institutions, whilst the preparation work is scheduled to be accomplished by the end of June and the PE Fund is scheduled to be operational by December 2015. The PE Fund will focus on a diversified range of sectors including but not limited to energy and natural resources, infrastructure, agriculture, manufacturing, high-tech and information technology.
2. Ways to Apply
LAC countries can apply for financing under the China Co-financing Fund for Latin America and Caribbean Region for projects in relevant areas. Please refer to the IDB for specific application procedures.
The PE Fund invites governments, enterprises and financial institutions in China, Latin America and Caribbean to recommend qualified projects in areas highlighted by the Fund as project reserves. After its formal incorporation and operation, the PE Fund will start processing project recommendations, screening and all due diligence and final investment decision will be made in line with market principles and procedures.
3. Contact Information for the PE Fund
Special Financing Account Department of China EXIM Bank
Address:Section D, F5, Building No.4, Chang'an Xingrong Center, No.1 Str Naoshikou, Distr. Xicheng, Beijing
Contact Person: Jie LIU Hongchao YANG
E-mail: liujie@clacfund.com.cnyanghongchao@clacfund.com.cn