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Medical Supplies Donated by China to the RGPF Help Protect Officers from COVID-19
2022-05-21 06:08

    On May 20, 2022, H.E. Wei Hongtian, Chinese Ambassador to Grenada, handed over a batch of pandemic prevention materials and office supplies on behalf of the Chinese Government to the Royal Grenada Police Force (RGPF). The materials include PPEs such as medical masks, examination gloves, eye shields and other office supplies that facilitate the work of police officers. 

    H.E. Wei Hongtian expressed his delight in delivering these items to the RGPF, believing that these would help protect the police officers. Ambassador Wei paid tribute to the hard work and sacrifices of the police officers as frontline workers at the critical moment of the pandemic, and spoke highly of the long-time close cooperation between China and Grenada in the area of law enforcement and anti-corruption. He also stated that China will continue to provide necessary assistance to Grenada within its capacity to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. 

    Commissioner of  Police Mr. Edvin Martin expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the Ambassador and his team  for the continuous assistance to the RGPF, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, the materials will strengthen the RGPF's ability to better serve the Grenadian people, he said, and they are also testaments to the friendly relationship between Grenada and China.

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